woman performing self breast exam

Unveiling the Unseen: What Are the Early Signs of Breast Cancer?

Ever find yourself wondering if your body is trying to send you a message? Like when you misplace your keys, and you're convinced they’ve joined forces with your phone to stage a rebellion?  

Well, your body does have its own way of communicating, especially when it comes to serious matters like breast cancer. But what are the early signs of breast cancer, and how can you spot them early enough to make a difference? 

Grab your favorite snack (because snacks make everything better), settle in, and let’s get real about the early signs of breast cancer. Who knows, you might even find a few laughs along the way—because nothing says health education like a good chuckle about lumps and bumps! 

The Importance of Early Detection

Early detection of breast cancer has a profound impact on diagnosis and prognosis. While there are many modern screening methods like mammography, sonography, MRI, 3D mammography and thermography, sometimes the system doesn't work and the first signs of breast cancer can go undetected. 

According to the American Cancer Society, early detection of breast cancer that is localized has a five year relative survival rate of 99%.  This statistic emphasizes the importance of finding breast cancer in the early stages.

What are the Early Signs of Breast Cancer?

Early signs of breast cancer simply means the initial symptoms or changes in the breast that may signal the presence of breast cancer before it has advanced to a later stage. What are the symptoms of early breast cancer? The most commonly known early symptom of breast cancer in females is a mass or lump. This is typically found by performing a self breast exam or can be found incidentally while showering or bathing. 

Unusual changes in the size or shape of your breast is another early sign that may signal cancer, especially if it is a sudden change. 

There are numerous nipple changes that can also be a sign of early breast cancer.

Finally, swelling of the breast or lymph nodes in the area (neck, underarms, collarbone) can be an early sign of breast cancer.

First Signs of Breast Cancer – Breaking it Down

  1. Lumps and Bumps:  Let's start with one of the most common  symptoms of early breast cancer, a lump or mass. Breast cancer tumors are typically hard, immobile and irregular in shape. If you are performing a self breast exam, try and manipulate the mass to feel if it is "stuck" or is able to move around. Also try and identify if it feels like soft like fluid or hard like a rock or rubber. 
  2. Visual changes in the skin:  Look for dimpling, puckering, or thickening of the breast skin. Also, redness or the appearance of a rash should be addressed.
  3. Nipple changes: There are many unusual changes to the nipple and areola that can be indicative of breast cancer. The most common are discharge, blood, flaking, scaling, nipple inversion and redness or rash.
  4. Swelling: Swelling in the breast, underarms, neck and clavicle are all possible early signs of breast cancer.

Early Signs Breast Cancer – When to See a Doctor

If you are concerned that you have early signs of breast cancer, it is important to make an appointment with a medical professional to have a mammogram and/or other necessary screening methods. If you have noticed any of the above symptoms of early breast cancer that have not resolved, it is key to be seen as soon as possible. You can schedule with your OB/GYN, a breast specialist or breast surgeon to get the ball rolling. 

It is recommended that you continue to have routine screenings and perform monthly self breast exams in order to have the best chance of catching breast cancer in the early stages. 

I have been diagnosed with breast cancer twice, both of which I found myself in the early stages. I was vigilant about doing my annual exams, but it was a self-breast exam that ultimately lead to both of my diagnoses. The system is not always perfect, I am living proof of that! 

In Conclusion

I cannot stress the importance of early detection of breast cancer. It can be the difference between life and chronic or terminal illness. DO YOUR SELF-BREAST EXAMS, stay on top of your annual screenings. Make yourself a priority!


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